The way I see it, we can’t lose.
No matter your experience with cancer, you are welcome here.
May this serve as a place of honesty, freedom, and encouragement.
Most of all, may we discover a lasting hope no matter our circumstances.

Hey! I’m Kandis— a wife, mother of 2 littles, business owner and I’m currently in treatment for breast cancer.

In November 2021, I noticed a small lump on my breast while in the shower. I made an appointment with my OBGYN and less than two weeks later, (two days before Thanksgiving) I received the news that cancer was in my body.
I was told I had Stage 2b, triple positive breast cancer that had spread to my lymph nodes.
The journey since then has been quite eventful, but in the midst of my weekly doctors visits and drug transfusions, I began to see things differently.
One day, I was waiting in the lobby and saw a man being pushed to the elevator in a wheel chair. He looked like he could’ve been my age or slightly older. His body was extremely frail.
His full-body tattoos could probably tell some unforgettable stories. I watched as he was wheeled onto the elevator and as the elevator shut, I wondered if he would have the strength to make it to his next transfusion.
And then it hit me, the realization that every week I’m sitting in waiting rooms with people who feel their mortality clock clicking in ways most people don’t.
I thought about how the frail man, although he was weak, he was still alive and he was still himself. I’m sure he still likes the same music and tv shows as he did before all of this. I’m sure he has friends he wishes he could see again. I realized that despite his situation, there were still some things that cancer couldn’t take.
That was the day I realized no matter what, cancer can’t kill you.
Cancer can’t take the person of you. And if everything in the Bible is true, then that also means, even if cancer leads to death, you really never die because of the gift of Eternal Life.
So this is the start of Cancer Can’t Kill You; a place where you can learn what that means for you, while also getting some resources that are helping me through my own journey as I’m still in active treatment with quite a ways to go.
Dig in and enjoy and feel free to send me a message or post on our public comment board anything you’d like to share!

Watch this video to learn more about our souls and the use of the word “soul” in the Bible.
You are Not Your Diagnosis, Prognosis, or Circumstance
My breast surgeon gave me a homework assignment at my very first appointment. She said “you have a long journey ahead of you and you’re going to get through it, but I want you to write down 30 things that make you, you…and I want you to do at least one thing off of that list everyday.”
Not only did she give me the homework assignment, but she also made sure I didn’t forget it about it. Once I got into the thick of treatment, I realized why she had me do what she did.
If you’re not careful, you can lose yourself and give yourself a whole new identity called “sick” or “cancer patient.” I decided from the beginning that this wouldn’t be my identity and that’s what I want others to know too.
You are the same person with the same gifts, talents, thoughts, personality, as you were before your diagnosis. Physically you may experience limitations, but your soul will always be your soul.

What is Eternal Life and How Do You Get It?
One of the scariest things about a cancer diagnosis is knowing it could potentially kill you or your diagnosed loved one. And if you are able to beat the cancer, you’re told if you’ve had cancer once, you have a higher chance of getting it again.
Death is really the worst that could happen. But what if it didn’t have to be? What if we were able to have eternal life and we never have to die? Even in the face of the most bleak prognosis, this can be a reality for absolutely anybody.
I believe in the gift of eternal life, made possible through Jesus Christ. The best thing about it is it’s free and available to anyone.
Watch this video to learn more about what Eternal Life means and how you can receive this gift.
A Prayer to Accept Jesus and Receive Eternal Life
Father, I first confess that I am a sinner. I’ve gotten much more wrong than right in my life. I know that I’ve not lived up to your standard nor lived a life that honored, or sometimes even acknowledge you.
I believe with my heart and mind that you are the Creator and God of all life, including mine. I believe that you sent your son Jesus Christ to die for my sins and that He rose from the dead with power of everything. Thank you for making a way to accept me into your family.
Thank you for forgiving me. And thank you for calling me your own today and for all eternity.
Today and forever, I’m yours. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

The Cancer Can’t Kill You Anthems & Heart Songs

This playlist is packed with over 2hrs of music to help remind you of the truth, encourage your mental, and challenge you to dance anyhow.
These songs are helping me and I hope they do the same for you. They vary in genre and messaging but one thing they all have in common is a celebration of life, hope, and peace that life is good and there is more beyond what's in front of us right now.
Songs are added regularly so be sure to follow the playlist on Spotify to keep up!

Check out this series on How to Treat Your Temple by Jonathan Evans and Paul RItter! They share a piece of my story in Ep. 3.
Paul has helped change the game tremendously with my health through food and nutrition. He drops gems in this video series. #freegame
I strongly encourage you to take time to watch all three episodes.

Filling your mind with helpful truths and picking up some new skills are often better ways to combat the mental battles that can accompany a health and physical challenge.
All but one of these were books were either given to me or recommended to me by others.
If one grabs your attention, pick up the book or the audio book to help begin shifting your mindset and life.

Getting the message of Cancer Can’t Kill You to others is the most important thing you could do to help our efforts. The goal is to make it easy to share and strike up conversations with others who often find cancer to be an isolating and scary experience.
And our merch is comfortable and custom designed gear you can wear to spread the message without even having to say a word. It also serves as a message of hope and encouragement for those impacted by cancer in any way.

Our contact cards are simply a resource to pass along and encourage others to visit this website.
You can order them in sets of 10 or download our free digital version to share with others.

Our current goal is to raise $500 for our first CCKY Care Box. This box will be filled with things to help lighten the load and show love to a person in active cancer treatment.
You can help us reach our goal in one of 3 ways:
1) Purchasing merch
2) Purchasing our info cards or
3) Making a donation
Our Current Goal: $500 for a CCKY Care Box
$28 raised

The message behind Cancer Can’t Kill You is motivated by the lives of these five people who battled cancer in their bodies, yet held fast to their faith. They are now living in eternity with their Savior, Jesus Christ.
I talk about them in present tense and tell their stories from a personal perspective because if the Bible is true, they are all very much still alive and even better than well. It is believed in Heaven and in the New Earth, we will all have varying levels of responsibility. I like to imagine what their lives may look like now based on who their Creator made them to be. Their lives and faithfulness are beautiful examples for all of us.
In Order from Left to Right
Ella Ruth Bolton
Ella Ruth is my grandmother. She always has a joke and she can cook better than anyone I know. She has loved God and served people in her work and personal life for as long as I can remember.
She will shoot it to you straight and tell it like it “t-i-is.” There is no faking with her and you never had to wonder what she was thinking.
She and my Papa were best friends while she was here. Their marriage is one of the best examples I’ve gotten to witness.
Always ready to throw a party or have people over, I’m pretty sure she’s still running some things in the hospitality department in Heaven.
Wayne Reese
Wayne Reese is my father-in-law. I only knew him for a couple years before he moved to Heaven, but in that short time we became eating buddies. We were the slowest eaters in the family so we always had extended meal times together.
He is a family man who was big on creating memories with his wife and two kids. His investments into his family are definitely paying off. I got the best husband because of his faithfulness.
He worked in education and can make anyone feel like they are seen and belong. He’s probably a greeter or doing something to bring everyone together for different things.
Lois Evans
Lois Evans was first a friend and mentor to my mother, then I got to know her for myself once I joined Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship where her husband Dr. Tony Evans is pastor.
She is a visionary, leader, and role model. Hearing the stories her family tell regularly about her are such a gift. From cooking to keeping her home all the way together, to helping start a global ministry while raising 4 kids, she is a renaissance woman.
She personally encouraged me repeatedly and I still work on the women’s conference she started and invited me to be a part of years ago.
She is probably in charge of something very important, leading a group of people with grace, excellence, and style.
Jennye Gardner
Jennye Gardner is like a big sister to me. She is eleven years older than me, the same age gap as me and my little sister.
She can connect with anyone. She worked part-time at Express, just to build relationships and be a witness for Jesus to her co-workers she loved.
She is small in stature but she loves BIG, fierce, and deep. Her heart is wired for justice, especially for those she loves and holds close. And she is an amazing and highly empathetic listener. She’s also super witty.
Before her cancer battle began she read a book by John Bevere called “Driven By Eternity.” She told me it was one of the best books she’d ever read.
She is probably helping plan and put on some great events for Jesus.
Jordan Smiley
Jordan Smiley is the son of a friend of mine. For as long as I’ve known his family, he was in and out of treatments for his brain tumors.
I learned that Jordan was tracking ahead of his class before his health challenges began.
I would listen to stories about his life and be amazed at how much he pushed through to accomplish here despite his decades-long health battles.
Jordan is probably teaching the children in Heaven how to do math, science or something else I’d find super complicated. Lol

I realize this could be a lot to process. Or maybe you’re left with some questions. This is your space to share and release. Send me an email or drop a public comment below.